Maiden of Death
In the mid-1800's, she was hung for killing a corrupt sheriff who was trying to steal her fortune. Cloned from preserved DNA, she was recently brought back to life by an illegal scientific experiment.
Grateful for her escape from Hell, she pledged allegiance to her redeemer -- a mad scientist . However, once her memory returned, she became eager to locate her relatives and began researching her family tree, which her master eventually forbid. Enraged about the restriction, she rebelled against her master and became a fugitive. Now, she is hunted by both the scientist and PAWN* organization. *P.A.W.N. -- Practical Assimilated and Weaponized Nephilims* -- regulates human cloning and DNA altering. The organization's mission is to apprehend mad scientists and their creations determined to be threats to the public. For example, it would seize genetically altered beings in the same way that dangerous animals are illegal to have as pets. *Nephilims are mentioned in the Holy Bible. They were giants that lived long life spans. The Holy Bible states that Adam, a Nephilim, lived around 900 years |